Hace cuatro días que regresé de Myanmar. El viaje resultó interesante, en líneas generales, aunque no estoy acostumbrado a tanto turista cerca. Las lluvias me causaron algún problema y no pude llegar al Chin State, pero, por el contrario, logré a última hora el permiso para Shan State y pude desplazarme a la zona. Creo que he conseguido un buen reportaje del Festival de las Pagodas en el Lago Inle. Pronto subiré algunas fotos a la web. He desechado regresar en enero, adelantando mi vuelta a Sur Sudán para finales de ese mes.
I came back from Myanmar four days ago. The trip turned out to be pretty interesting, over all, I´m not used to so many tourists around though. The heavy rain became the main problem. Due toit, I could not drive to Chin State, but I could get the permit for Shan State instead, which was initially a banned area, and go there. I guess I ´ve taken some good shots of Inle Lake Paghoda Festival, some of them I will shortly upload in my web site.
I have decided not to go back to Myanmar in January. Instead, I will be leaving back to South Sudan at the end of that month.